Er. Vivek Sharma
Assistant Professor
- Worked with NIT Jalandhar for the research project entitled” Technology Gap
Analysis Study for Bicycle Parts Cluster in Ludhiana”, sponsored by Department of
Science and Technology, Govt. of India.
- Working as Assistant Professor (on contract basis) in J. N. Govt. Engg. College
Sundernagar, Mandi, (H.P) since sept. 4, 2012
- Research interests: Medical Textiles, Colouration and Novel Finishing of Textiles
and Project Management in Textiles.
Administrative responsibilities
- Officer-Incharge, Media and Public Relations Committee of the Institute
- Convenor of the Training And Placement Cell of the Institute
- Member of the anti ragging flying squad of the institute
- Member of the State Level Purchase Committee under “Mahatma Gandhi Vardi Yojna” of the
Govt. of H.P for the year 2015-2016.
Seminars and workshops organised/attended
- Coordinator of National Workshop on “Innovations and Emerging Trends in Textiles” held
on 27th april, 2013 at J.N.Govt. Engineering College Sundernagar, (H.P).
- Coordinator of National seminar on “Recent Innovations and Advances in Textiles” held on
28th-29th march, 2014 at J.N.Govt. Engineering College Sundernagar, (H.P).
- Attended National Seminar on “Protective Textiles” organized by NITRA Ghaziabad and NIT
- Attended two day training program on reach CAD and reach merchandising manager, at NIT
- Attended National Seminar on “Nonwovens and Technical Textiles” organized by NIT
- Attended one week short term course on “garment technology” at NIT Jalandhar from 10th
june to 14th june 2013.
- Attended 3 days International Conference on Nonwovens and Technical Textiles at IIT
Delhi w.e.f 6/11/2014-8/11/2014.
List of papers published in leading journals
- J N Chakraborty, Vivek Sharma and Preeti Gautam, Fantasy Of Chromic Colourants, Asian
Textile Journal, August 2011.
- J N Chakraborty, Vivek Sharma and Preeti Gautam, Colourful Horizons of Luminiscence,
Asian Textile Journal, April 2012.
- J N Chakraborty, Preeti Gautam and Vivek Sharma, Textile Cardiovascular Implants
Ensuring Healthy Heart, Asian Textile Journal, May 2012.
- J N Chakraborty, Vivek Sharma and Preeti Gautam, Textiles: Empowering the Aviation,
Asian Technical Textile Journal, June 2012.
- J N Chakraborty, Vivek Sharma and Preeti Gautam, Enhanced protection in textiles against
UV radiations, Asian Textile Journal, July 2012 .
- J N Chakraborty, Preeti Gautam and Vivek Sharma, Antibacterial finishes on cotton:
promoting health and hygiene, Asian Textile Journal, February 2013.
- Preeti Gautam and Vivek Sharma, Implantable Medical Textiles, Asian Technical Textiles
Journal, march 2013.
- J N Chakraborty, Vivek Sharma and Preeti Gautam, Application of novel UV absorbers to
enhance UV protection of cotton, Journal of Textile and Apparel Technology and
Management(USA), volume 9, no. 1, 2014.
List of papers published in proceedings of International and national conferences/
- Vivek Sharma and Preeti Gautam, Chemical Protective Clothing, Proceedings of National
Seminar on Nonwovens and Technical Textiles, 2012, 4-5 oct., 2012 NIT Jalandhar.
- Vivek Sharma and Preeti Gautam, Chemical Protective Clothing, Proceedings of National
Seminar on Nonwovens and Technical Textiles, 2012, 4-5 oct., 2012 NIT Jalandhar.
- Preeti Gautam and Vivek Sharma, Implantable Medical Textiles, Proceedings of National
Seminar on Nonwovens and Technical Textiles, 4-5 oct., 2012 NIT Jalandhar.
- J N Chakraborty, Vivek Sharma and Preeti Gautam, Textile Composites Empowering The
Aerospace Sector, proceedings of AATCC international conference on advances in fibres,
finishes, technical textiles and nonwovens, 1-2 oct., 2013, Mumbai.
- J N Chakraborty, Vivek Sharma and Preeti Gautam, Textiles: Empowering the Aviation,
Asian Technical Textile Journal, June 2012.
- J N Chakraborty and Vivek Sharma, Fluorescent Colourants Enhancing Aesthetics And
Functionality, proceedings of international conference on emerging trends in traditional
and technical textiles, 11-12 april., 2014,NIT Jalandhar.
- Vivek Sharma, nanotechnology adding new dimension to UV protection of cotton,
proceedings of international conference on emerging trends in traditional and technical
textiles, 11-12 april., 2014,NIT Jalandhar.
- Vivek Sharma and Preeti Gautam Nanofinishes: The Future of Finishing With Enhanced
Functionality, proceedings of national seminar on recent innovations and advances in
textiles, 28-29th march 2014 J N Govt. Engg. College, Sundernagar, (H.P).
- Vivek Sharma, Vishal Ranaut, Megha Rawat and Sheetal Kumar, Eco-Friendly Textile
Processing,proceedings of national seminar on recent innovations and advances in
textiles, 28-29th march 2014 Jawaharlal Nehru Govt. Engineering College, Sundernagar,
- Preeti Gautam and Vivek Sharma, Textile Preventing Pressure Ulcers, proceedings of
national seminar on recent innovations and advances in textiles, 28-29th march 2014
Jawaharlal Nehru Govt. Engineering College, Sundernagar, (H.P).